
SetupProject whatever --ask
LBglimpse searched_string whatever v33r6


How to retrieve jobs from the grid:
copy the (courtesy of S. Gallorini) in your CERN 
home directory
in the cmtuser/scripts directory start the ganga tool with:
[your_username@lxplus"xyuv" scripts]$ SetupProject ganga
[your_username@lxplus"xyuv" scripts]$ ganga

inside the ganga prompt the following commands are available:

* jobs
list all the user jobs
* jobs( [jobid] ).subjobs
list and get the status of all subjobs of job [jobid]
* resubmitFailedJob( [jobid] )
resubmit all failed subjobs
* replicateJob( [jobid] )
retrieve all output .root files
* makeJobMerger( [jobid] )
prepare a script to merge all output .root files 
after this step exit from ganga (ctrl d and then y) and run 
the shell script merger[jobid].csh:
source merger[jobid].csh
* removeJob( [jobid] )
delete job
failed jobs can be removed in the same way
* jobs( [jobid] ).force_status("failed",force=True)
set to "failed" a job
* jobs( [jobid] ).subjobs( [subjobid] ).force_status("failed",force=True)
set to "failed" a subjob
* jobs( [jobid] ).subjobs( [subjobid] ).backend.reset()
reset the subjob to the submitted state, the monitoring loop 
will then proceed to record progreses the job through the
different statuses again: submitted -> running -> completing 
-> completed
* jobs( [jobid] ).subjobs( [subjobid] ).resubmit()
resubmit a single subjob
* jobs( [jobid] ).resubmit()
resubmit a job
* jobs( [jobid] ).subjobs( [subjobid]  ).backend.getOutputDataLFNs().getReplicas()
return the LFN of the replica, if any