*** list of the 28 usefull variables, each corresponds to a different column:
_ OnTimeWithCNGS: constant string
_ evtnum: event number
_ evttyp: OpCarac event type
_ evttim: event time
_ CCtopo: CC/NC based on TT+RPC planes lenght
_ n_muon: number of muon tracks ("good" ones)
_ other_3d_trks: number of non muon tracks ("good" ones)
_ x_pos, y_pos, z_pos: initial event "position"
_ theta_x, theta_y, p: angles and signed momentum, when available, else 0
_ TT_evt_len: number of fired TT planes
_ RPC_evt_len: number of fired RPC planes
_ Ett: TT visible energy (a la Cecile)
_ ecyl: technical variable
_ nTTxy1, nTTxy2: technical variables
_ Ehad: TT hadronic energy (a la Cecile)
_ bending_topology: has hits in two arms of at least one spectro
_ daqOK: DAQ simulation + CONTAINED requirements
_ chawei: charge weight (it's not the AMM one, this is the "historical" one)
_ nrpc0x_rp, nrpc0y_rp, nrpc1x_rp, nrpc1y_rp: technical variables
_ e_numu_inc: incoming neutrino energy

*** cuts to select clean CC with a "nice" muon track:

*** momentum measured using the magnetic field: add

*** list of weights for each MC file (60 files overall):
server: lxopera05.pd.infn.it
path: /home/bertolin/opera/OpRelease4d0/4.0/MyAna/v3rcarac/run/root_files
file name: listaFileMC.txt

*** files location:
server: lxopera05.pd.infn.it
path: /home/bertolin/opera/mini-data
file extension: .log
format: ASCII

*** MyAna code used to fill them:
accessible via this link