HVQMNR interface to LHAPDF and examples scripts

The HVQMNR code --fixed order massive calculation for heavy quark production, by M.Mangano, P.Nason, G.Ridolfi-- is available here.
The LHAPDF code --common interface for most of the recent PDF sets, including nuclear shadowing parametrizations-- is available here, where installation instructions are also provided.
This tar file contains:
- hvqlhapdf.f, interface to LHAPDF
- hvqmnrx.f, nuclear.h, modified to include nuclear shadowing
- hvqlhapdf.f, interface to LHAPDF
- Makefile for HVQMNR, including the LHAPDF option
- hvq_alice.f, main file with definition of histograms for ALICE acceptance
- cpp10CTQ6.inp1 ...inp2, cAAeps5CTQ6.inp1 ...inp2, example input files
- top2root.C, ROOT macro to covert the output file from .top to .root

Instructions: install LHAPDF; unpack HVQMNR and copy Makefile, hvqlhapdf.f, hvqmnrx.f, nuclear.h and hvq_alice.f to the hvqmnr directory; compile (make hvq_alice.f); in the working directory, execute:
hvq_alice < cpp10CTQ6.inp1
hvq_alice < cpp10CTQ6.inp2 (takes several hours...)
root.exe -q top2root.C\(\"cpp10CTQ6\"\)

Example results can be found in this presentation.