Hello everyone! I am student from Architectural Faculty, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. I spent great time in Porto Alegre by the end of the year 1997.

Some terrible things are happening to me and my people (Serbs) and I wanted to tell you my side of the story.

My people is in a very bad position: on one side, there is our governement that absolutely does not care about anything except about how to save their own positions. We don't support this governement.Belgrade (the capital) did not vote for them. Not to mention that we are under media blocade for very, very long time, and that our ellections were never fair. In one word - this governement WAS NOT OUR CHOISE.

On the other side there is USA (NATO forces), which is determined to ruin everything that stands on its way. Do you really beleive that they are concerned about human rights and things like that ? The real reason for their actions are: strategic positions (spreading to the eastern part of Europe, and making "conflict areas" in the middle of Europe in order to retain stronger than European Community) as well as economy reasons (spreading the market and selling the old weapons).

Did you know that they are bombing us with radioactive materials which are secondary products of their nuclear industry? Did you know, that during the war in Bosnia (country next to Yugoslavia), USA bombarded this territory and that women from this areas have defected babies born today? Do you still beilive that they are fighting for human rights?

We are in terrible position. If they are fighting only against our governement why are they attacking civilians? Do we really need this agression? Don't they have any other way to persuade our president to negotiate? Do we, civilians, have to suffer because of wrong governement on one side and agressive ways of USA to realize their strategic and economic goals on the other?

We only want to live our lives normally. To work, have fun, have families, have healthy children. We are normal people that is very tired of everything that is going on here in the last ten years.

Please, help us, by spreading our side of the story all over the world. Tell this to your friends in Brasil and in the other countries. Anything that you do can be helpfull.

Help us only by thinking. Remember, this can happen to any poor nation. World should not be a jungle.

Thank You for Your time. Trully,

Marija Marjanovic
Mario Tosi Furtado
Laboratsrio de Optoleletrtnica
e-mail: furtado@cpqd.com.br
tel: +55 19 7056537
fax: +55 19 7056125

Dr.Felipe Rudge
Fundagco CPqD
Campinas SP Brasil
Intl: +55(19)705-6506
BR: (019)705-6506
fax: 705-6734