Welcome to the Ugo Gasparini's home page

My main research interests are within HEP experiments at CERN :
                                                                                                                   Useful links:
                                                                                                                          - CERN user page
                                                                                                                          - CERN programs/experiments
                                                                                                                          - CERN Information Tecnology ( IT )
                                                                                                                          - Video Conf. System (VRVS)
CMS experiment at LHC

                                             - Physics Recontsruction and Selection ( PRS  project; see also here)
                                             - PRS/muon ,    Results
                                             - Muon software for the Muon Barrel Detector

                                                                 Useful links:
                                                                           - CMSDOC  page
                                                                            - CMS-Padova
                                                                            - CMS OO-software page
                                                                            - CMS production page
                                                                            - Pythia

Computing models for LHC:
                                                       - LHC Computing GRID ( LCG ) project
                                                       - the MONARC project

                                                                   Useful links:
                                                                            - CMS-LCG
                                                                            - INFN Grid
                                                                            - EGEE

DELPHI esperiment at LEP

                                                                  Useful links:
                                                                           - Delphi-Padova

  EU Research Training Network (RTN) :
                                                                  PRSatLHC project

Mail to:

Ugo Gasparini
Ultimo aggiornamento : 3- Dicembre 2003