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Career at INFN

The INFN Padova Division is an interesting working environment, where many professional figures collaborate in the research activities. Aside Physicists, many profiles are required for the management of the Division and its high level research.
INFN is a public research institution, supervised by the italian authority “Ministery for Univesity and Research” (MUR). The recruitment of personnel is performed by public calls and the requirements depend on the offered position.

Announcements and open positions are published in the national Careers Board.

Open Positions at INFN Padova

Mese in corso



Physicists are a substantial part of the INFN personnel. They are involved in several active research topics, either in experimental or theoretical physics.
Alice detector


Several research projects require specialists, such as engineers and computer scientists, who collaborate together in an interdisciplinary environment. These specialists are part of the Tecnological personnel.

Virgo element


Highly specialized technicians are important for the design and building of INFN prototipes for experiments. These positions usually require an high school grade diploma to apply.
CNC machine


The INFN Administrative staff take care of the organization of the division activities, finance, dissemination and outreach. These positions usually require an high school grade diploma to apply.
legal accounting

Other positions

An INFN fellowship can be granted to researchers with a scientific or techical curriculum relevant for the INFN research activities.
The grants can be funded by differente sources: INFN ordinary funds, project-specific resources, national/international public or privare reseach funds.
INFN can also contribute to research fellowships assigned by the University or other institutions, if a research activity is close to INFN research topics.

For more information: Director Office

The INFN may assign student fellowships – either for scientific or technological research – to both high-school/university graduates and academic students (who have not obtained their degree yet).


Employees from other institutions (i.e. Universites or other Research institutes) can be associated to INFN to perform research activitis of interest for both parties.

There are different kinds of Association contracts for Undergraduate students, PhD, researchers.

PhD students
PhD students in Physics and technological disciplines: a fellowship – up to 6 months after the PhD end – can be assigned, upon request of the student and his/her supervisor, with the approval of PhD course Head.

Master degree students in Physics
Master students in Physics, can obtain an Association lasting up to 1 year, to prepare their graduation thesis in one of INFN research fields, on request of the candidate and his/her supervisor. The average exams grade must be higher or equal to 26/30.

Master degree students in technological areas
Master students in Engineering, Computer Sciences or other technological faculties, can obtain an Association lasting up to 1 year, to prepare their graduation thesis in one of INFN research fields, on request of the candidate and his/her supervisor. The average exams grade must be higher or equal to 24/30.

Academic/Other research fellows; EU or other research fellows
People owning a research fellowship granted by a University or other research institutions, agencies, interuniversitary consortia, EU research fellows in Italy can be associated to INFN. The duration depends on the request of the candidate and his/her supervisor.