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DOE-INFN Summer Students Exchange Program 2024 Edition at INFN Padova

The US Department of Energy (DOE) and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare of Italy (INFN) announce the 2024 edition of the Summer Exchange Program dedicated to promote the exchange of students in science between the two countries.
INFN is one of the leading organization worldwide promoting basic scientific research and has tight connections with DOE activities in many areas of interest: Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics and Detector Physics.

DOE-INFN Summer Exchange Program

The DOE-INFN Summer Exchange Program is financed by the US Department of Energy (DoE) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics – Italy (INFN).

It is dedicated to the exchange of US and Italian Students.

For further details and application visit the DOE-INFN Summer Exchange Program homepageCall for applications will be published soon.

We call for applications of US students willing to join a INFN research team in ltaly for a two-month period between June 1st and October 31st, 2024.

Available positions at Padova

LHCb (2)

LHCb (1)

Title: Study of single photon timing resolution of photodetectors for LHCb RICH upgrade

Description:During the LS4 shutdown of LHC the LHCb detector will be upgraded to cope with the increased event rate expected during the HL-Luminosity running of the LHC. The LHCb RICH detector will be modified in order to perform particle identificatoin in this harsh environment. In particular the photon detectors will need to have a factor 10 smaller granularity and time stamping at the order of ~100ps. For this reason in this project we propose to study the importantitem of the single photon time resolution of the photon detectors for the next LHCb RICH upgrade.

Activities: The student will measure the time resolution of SiPM samples from FBK and other vendors and compare the performance of different designs.

Tutor: Gabriele Simi, Anna Lupato

Activity period: settembre-ottobre

Local Secretariat:

LHCb (2)

Title: Optimization of the measurement of the branching fraction for 

Description:The decay of the represents an important source of irreducible background in the test of Lepton Flaour Universality (LFU) using the decay. In order to reduce the systematic error on this semitauonic LFU it is necessary to know the branching fraction of . This project aims at optimize the measurement of this branching fraction with the LHCb detector at the LHC collider using the LHCb data from run 1 and run 2.

Activities: The student will contribute to the optimization of the measurement of the branching fraciton using also multivariate techniques and neural networks. The will also study some of the systematic uncertainties involved in this measurement.

Tutor: Gabriele Simi, Anna Lupato

Activity period: settembre-ottobre

Local Secretariat:


Title: Analysis of the data collected with a MuOnE prototype

Description: We propose the analysis of the data collected during Fall 2022 and Fall 2023 with a prototype module of the MuOnE experiment. The aim of this study is a proof of concept of the experiment, which, albeit far from the target goal, should allow a measurement of the differential cross section of the elastic scattering mu e -> me e with percent precision, large enough to observe for the first time the running of the fine structure constant \alpha in the space-like “t” channel.

Activities: Data analysis, use of c++ or python and of the ROOT CERN analysis package.

Tutor: Franco Simonetto

Activity period: Both the terms (June-July) or (Sept.-Oct.) fit with my agenda

Local Secretariat:


Title: Jet reconstruction and identification at Muon Collider


The Muon Collider is one of the most promising machines for the future of particle physics with accelerators. Muon collisions at multi-TeV center of mass energies are the ideal place to perform precison physics measurements like the study of the Higgs boson properties, and to search for new high mass particles. Jets play a crucial role in both researches and dedicated algorithms for their recosntruction and identification need to be developed and optimized.
The main challenge is the treatment of the contribution of the beam-induced background, that is produced by the decay in flight of muons of the beams and subsequent interactions with the environment. This background poses potential limitations on the jets and tracks reconstruction. Beam-induced background hits in the tracker system create spurious hits that contribute to fake tracks while photons arriving to the electromagnetic calorimeter generate a continuous background difficult to subtract.
In this internship, the trainee will be introduced to the muon collider simulation. He/she will be involved in the development of the algorithms for the particles reconstruction in the tracker and in the calorimeter depending on the interests. After the definition of the algorithms, he/she will study the jet properties by using  simulation samples of interesting physics processes, such as Higgs and/or Z’ decay channels.
During this period, the trainee will gain the basic knowledge for working in an High Energy Physics experiment, and he/she will develop the computing skills that are necessary to analyse data, mainly using the software ROOT and/or Python. He/she will also learn how modern machine learning techniques work and how to apply them to High Energy Physics problems.

Activities: Development and application of calorimeter and tracks reconstruction algorithms. Analysis of simulated and reconstructed data by using machine learning algorithms.

Tutor: Donatella Lucchesi, Lorenzo Sestini and Davide Zuliani

Activity period: June-July or September-October

Local Secretariat:


Title: Dark Matter Search: Axion Haloscope

Description: The QUaerere AXions (QUAX) experiment is a direct search for galactic dark matter in the form of axion or axion like particles.
The detector is being built at Legnaro National Laboratories of INFN, and the collaboration includes members from the INFN sections of Padova, Salerno and Trento.
Hybrid and dielectric microwave cavities operated in multi-Tesla magnetic fields, coupled to quantum-limited receivers will allow for probing axions with (35-45) microeV mass.
Research activity is also focused on operation of a ferrimagnetic haloscope, based on the axion-electron interaction.
These experiments might in the near future help to put new insights in the understanding of our still very unknown Universe.
Activities: Mostly hardware devoted: Dilution refrigerator, microwave cavity , strong magnetic field, quantum limited microwave electronics, DAQ system
Quax webpage:

Tutor: Giovanni CarugnoCaterina Braggio

Activity period: June – July

Local Secretariat:


Title: Deep learning optimization of SWGO Gamma Ray Observatory

Description: In this project, the student will participate in the optimization of the layout of 6000 Cherenkov detectors to be constructed in South America to detect ultra-high-energy gamma rays by the SWGO Collaboration. The end-to-end optimization is performed by a fully differentiable model of the reconstruction and classification of cosmic ray showers and the extraction of a utility function that is maximized by gradient descent. The student will contribute by working at the improvement of parts of the model of the reconstruction of showers. The work is performed with software written in C++ and/or Python.

Activities: There is the possibility to participate to a workshop of the MODE Collaboration in Valencia (September 24-26) with a poster describing the work.

 Tutor: Tommaso Dorigo 

 Activity period: September- October 2024

 Local Secretariat:


Title: Experimental design for Nuclear Astrophysics at LUNA 

Description: LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) is an experiment devoted to study nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest. LUNA deep underground location at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS) guarantees an environmental background level orders of magnitude lower than above ground empowering reaction measurements to be performed down to astrophysical energies. Recently a new accelerator has been installed at the LNGS with outstanding beam (H+, He+ and 12C+,++) stability and intensity features. Most of the targets are produced in the National Laboratories of Legnaro (10 km from Padua city center).

The candidate will focus on the experimental design, working on the characterisation of the setup and on the outline of the experimental campaign. Moreover, the candidate will participate to the target preparation and characterization at the LNL and at LNGS. This candidate will definitely participate to all phases of the experimental activities having the opportunity to work in two Italian national laboratories. In addition to this the candidate could work on the new program if machine learning implementation in the analysis algorithms we are developing in the Padua group.

Activities: Setup construction and characterization with hands on activities. Data analysis with C++ and python codes and machine learning tools for reaction signal recognition 

Tutor: Antonio Caciolli

Activity period: or June-July or September-October  

Local Secretariat:

Call info

Online recruitment portal


Local Secretariat:

More information

How to reach us

we suggest to contact the secretary for the purchase of the flight ticket

Padova can offer you different types of accommodation:
Residenze ESU
Casa del Pellegrino

Special dates

June 13th is a local holiday in honor Sant’Antonio.

On your arrival

On your arrival, please, contact within two days the secretariat from Monday to Friday morning (9.00-13.00/1500-17.00).
They will communicate your arrival to the Police-headquarters, sending them your passport copy.
You don’t need to request a “Residence Permit” (permesso di soggiorno).

Then you have to get in touch with the INFN Administration office which will provide you a standard scheme for health insurance.
INFN will provide you a card for lunches (7.00 Euro a day).


220 V, AC, 50Hz

European (2-pin) plug/socket

Italian (3-pin) plug/socket