PRIN 2022 Projects at INFN Padova
Projects funded by MUR through the call PRIN 2022 (Decreto Direttoriale n. 104 del 02-02-2022)
AxionOrigins: towards a complete theory for the origin of the axion – PRIN 2022K4B58X
P.I. and INFN Scientific coordinator: Di Luzio Luca
Total budget € 105.136,00 – MUR funding € 98.607,00
The AxionOrigins project aims to develop complete theories of the axion that address the origin and quality of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry, exploring connections with the Standard Model (SM) flavor puzzle. The project seeks to identify new SM extensions, based on horizontal gauge symmetries, composite dynamics, and grand-unified theories, capable of selecting theoretically motivated ranges for the axion mass and coupling parameters. Expected outcomes include linking axion physics with low-energy observables and deriving new constraints on axion dark matter. So far, connections between horizontal symmetries and PQ have been established, with implications for low-energy axion phenomenology.
Cold paramagnetic polar molecules: from particle physics to quantum technology – PRIN 20227F5W4N
INFN Scientific coordinator: Carugno Giovanni
Total budget totale € 70.873,00 – MUR funding € 36.577,00
The electric dipole moment (EDM) of elementary particles has become a fundamental parameter to be measured. In fact, a permanent EDM of a particle with spin angular momentum would directly violate T symmetry, thus becoming a strong indication for the existence of new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Moreover, following Sakharov criteria, a “T” violation is mandatory to explain the macroscopic matter-antimatter imbalance in our Universe. In a BSM theory, the EDM of elementary particles could provide constraints on the mass of BSM particles higher than TeV scale, much larger of the LHC accessible energy scale. In the last years, the use of cold beams of reactive molecules has led to a limit of 10-30 e cm for the electron EDM. New proposals, mostly based on atomic, molecular and optical techniques, have recently appeared with increasing electron EDM sensitivity. Among such proposals, a significant improvement is expected from systems based on polar molecules embedded in an inert gas cold matrix. This project aimed to set-up an experimental apparatus doping para-hydrogen (pH2) cryo cristals with dipolar paramagnetic molecules.
During the last year we focused our experimental efforts growing para-Hydrogen cryogenic crystals at few kelvin temperature doing spectroscopy studies on such matrix so to characterize the ortho-Hydrogen content of such crystals. A different set-up has been used to produce BaF molecules in flight via ablation approach resulting in a high yield production.
Unveiling the role of low dimensional activity manifolds in biological and artificial neural networks – PRIN 2022HSKLK9
INFN Scientific coordinator: Zucchetta Alberto
Total budget totale € 84.800,00 – MUR funding € 84.800,00
The PRIN 2022HSKLK9 project, titled “Low-dimensional activity manifolds in biological and artificial neural networks”, aims to develop a predictive model of low-dimensional neural activity based on artificial neural networks. The objective of the project is the development of an analytical pipeline for identifying low-dimensional structures in neural data and to develop an explainable model based on recurrent neural networks. This model will be used to generate predictions regarding the response to optokinetic stimuli of a simple animal model (D. rerio), bridging the latest machine learning techniques with neuroscience.