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External funds for research

Beisdes the ordinary INFN budget, there are several funding sources available for the research projects. 

The External Funds Office at INFN Padova is in charge of finding the availalble calls and other financing opportunities, of disseminating ad of supporting the researchers during the proposal writing, in collaboration also with the local administration office.

INFN also has an External Funds Office based at the Central Administration.  

Here are some funding agencies and some useful links

European programs

Regional Funds

The Italian Regions are in charge of distributing some of the UE funds, like European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF), that can offer some opportunities in the fields of education and infrastructures.  
More details about Regione Veneto programs:

POR FESR 2014-2020
POR FSE 2014-2020
Accreditamento Organismi di Formazione
Testo Unico per i beneficiari

National Funds

Private calls