Muon4Future Workshop – Venice 29-31 May 2023
The Muon4Future Workshop (, held in Venice in the beautiful venue of Palazzo Franchetti-Istituto Veneto di Science, Letters and Arts, from May 29 to 31st, has ended with positive results.
The workshop, the first of its series in Italy, organized by INFN-Sezione di Padova with the support of the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Padova, has had 76 participants in person and many other from remote. Researchers from Japan, USA, many European countries, Laboratories and Academic Institutes, have gathered to compare the results of the muon-based experiments, involving both the experimental and theoretical communities. Such a comparison is indispensable today since several discrepancies between the Standard Model and the measurements are concentrated in the muon sector.
But the workshop has not just examined the experiments currently carried out in data taking or already approved and/or under construction, but it also has given the possibility to discuss possible future proposals.
During the workshop researchers have exchanged ideas on how to identify the most promising physics experiments and measurements that will allow further tests on the Standard Model and make possible the search for new physics, comparing new ideas, relevant issues, and related challenges.
The workshop focused to several topics, such as muon anomalous magnetic moment, hadronic vacuum polarization, charged lepton flavor violation, muon beams technologies and cooling at different energies, muon collider (physics possibilities and required technology developments), present and future muon facilities and muons in other fields, such as muography and mSR.
All topics were divided in dedicated sessions where 35 talks were presented. Each session was followed by a very participated discussion. At the end of the three days long workshop there was made a sum up of the event during which and all participants agreed on the opportunity to further investigate these cut-edge field of research and the relevant challenging perspectives. It’s very likely that a second edition will be organized as the path for further collaborations among this transversal community has already been traced.
Some participants of the workshop were interviewed. Each researcher, representing various Institute and Laboratory around the world, reported original ideas on how this branch of research can find practical applications in different fields of studies with interesting impact on the present everyday life urgency such as solutions for the energy saver problems and similar. All agreed on the importance to enhance synergies between various Institutes and Laboratories for better and more fruitful results useful for the entire society, as that’s the real scope of science: bring people together to work along with no boundaries for the progress of societies.
The link to the interview:
Interviewed Researchers: (from right to left in the photo):
Dr. Robert Bernstein, Scientist at Fermi National Laboratory
Prof. Angela Papa, INFN-University of Pisa and PSI
Senior Physicist, Daniel Schulte, CERN
Prof. Takayuki Yamazaki, KEK
For further information:
Prof. Donatella Lucchesi –