Welcome to the QUAX project webpage
Publications & Thesis
- Realization of a high quality factor resonator with hollow dielectric cylinders for axion searches
NIM A 985, 164641
Axion Search with a Quantum-Limited Ferromagnetic Haloscope
Phys Rev Lett 124, 171801High quality factor photonic cavity for dark matter axion searches
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 094701Magnon-driven dynamics of a hybrid system excited with ultrafast optical pulses
Comm Phys 3:164Cavity magnon-polariton based precision magnetometry
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 144001
- Galactic axions search with a superconducting resonant cavity
Phys Rev D 99, 101101(R) Microwave Losses in a DC Magnetic Field in Superconducting Cavities for Axion Studies
IEEE Trans Appl Superc, 29, 5
- Operation of a ferromagnetic axion haloscope at m_a = 58 μeV
Eur. Phys. J. C 78:70
- Searching for galactic axions through magnetized media: The QUAX proposal
Phys Dark Univ 15, 135–141
QUAX dissertations
- Crescini, Nicolò (2019)
Towards the development of the ferromagnetic axion haloscope.