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Printer configuration

For a correct access to the printing service it is advisable to always use the INFN account, it is therefore advisable to create an account with the same name locally in the case of notebook or mac. If you use a different account, the printing service may not work.

Where are the printers

The printers are distributed within the Department of Physics. The name of the print queue is useful for understanding the location and name of the printer.
Print queues have names like p nnn [ nobanner | color | A3 ].
The number nnn indicates the room in which they are located or the nearest room, the first digit indicates the floor, the string color indicates a color print queue, while < strong> A3 indicates a print queue in A3 format.

To search for a printer you can consult the complete list

CUPS configuration in the Linux environment

CUPS is already configured on all Desktop PCs installed by the Calculation Service with Scientific Linux /CentOS .
For the unmanaged PCs from the Cacolo Service or users’ laptops:
unfortunately, cups are managed autonomously by the various Linux distributions, so there is no univocal way to configure it,
may be that you already see the printers otherwise, we recommend this procedure:
>> If the file /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf exists
you can check using the command ls /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
all you need is the cups-browsed service is active
in some Linux distributions the mechanism does not work, you can try it
adding lines (need root privileges)

Browsing On
to /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf and then restarting the cups-browsed service
service cups-browsed restart
(a PC /laptop restart is ok too)
>> If the /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf file does NOT exist
try the following commands from a terminal with root privileges:
cupsctl -h localhost Browsing = On
cupsctl -h localhost BrowseRemoteProtocols = cups
cupsctl -h localhost BrowsePoll = 631

Watch out for those who also have a personal local printer
For those who also have a personal local printer, and after the commands of the previous point does not see it more than among the list of printers,
it may need a modification on the file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
the line:
Listen localhost: 631
it must be replaced with:
Listen *: 631
Then you have to restart the print service, with a reboot of the cups or PC /Notebook service

Remember that you can only print from wired network (LAN) and from “pd-wpa” wifi networks

Using printers from the Linux terminal

From a linux shell you can use the lpr commands (to print), lpq (to see the status of jobs in the queue) and lprm ( to cancel a job from the queue).
lpr [-P p nnn ] [options] [files …]
lpq [-P p nnn ] or lpstat -o [p nnn ]
lpq [-a] or lpstat -t
lprm job-id or cancel job-id
Example: lpr -Pp265
To set the default printer: lpoption -d p nnn
For more information on commands and options, see the CUPS manual
The queues default are:
– A4 two-sided-long-edge
– A3 one-sided



-P p nnn

execute command on queue p nnn

-o sides = one-sided

single-sided printing

-o sides = two-sided-long-edge

two-sided printing on the long side

-o sides = two-sided-short-edge

two-sided printing on the short side

-o [portrait | landscape]

print in portrait or landscape format

-o number-up = [1 | 2 | 4 | 8]

prints 1, 2, 4 or 8 pages on each sheet (default 1)

-o page-ranges = 1-4,7,9-12

prints only pages 1 through 4, then 7 and finally 9 through 12

-o page-set = [even | odd]

prints only the even or odd pages

-o media = A4, MultiPurpose

take the sheets from the manual drawer


How to install printers on Windows

To install the printers in Windows environment you need special privileges:

on Windows Vista /7/8/10/11 there are two possibilities: to be Administrators or to be users of the “Physics” domain.
For the latter, a particular setting of the operating system is required: the calculation service is already proceeding to propagate the change on the machines of the domain.
If the installation indicates the problem, just send an email to HelpDesk indicating the PC name and the problem.

>> Instructions for installing and running the graphical printer management interface
Start -> Run and type
on Windows 8/10 in the Desktop app press the Windows logo key + R and type

The program itself does not require administrator privileges, but as a prerequisite, you need a program called .Net 4.0 that can not be installed by the user.
if there is no installation, please report it and in that case, contact support at HelpDesk.
If the program reports that it is not a secure software or that the author can not verify, ignore the error and continue.

Update the interface
Each time the interface is checked, it checks for updates and if so, it indicates whether to install the new version.

Using the interface
Double click on InstPrinters

On Windows Vista /7/10/11 it is in the “Start” menu -> “All programs”
On Windows 8 you find it on the “Start” screen

Once the interface has been started, to install a printer, click on the icon of the relevant printer.

>> Manual installation and configuration of a Pnnn printer
In case there are problems with the graphical interface, there is a manual way to install the individual printers.

Access with the commands
Start -> run and type
on Windows 8/10/11 use the Windows + R Logo in the Desktop app and type to install the printer just double click on the corresponding bat file, then for example to install the p170,
just double click on add-p170.bat

General information
With both the interface and the manual mode, the installation shows you the progress and any messages:
a) the Pnnn printer is installed with the old method
the program warns the user that the printer you want to install is already installed with the old method (that is, from lpserver) and asks if you want to remove it or not.
the two printers can live together without problems, we recommend removing them by pressing “Yes” to tidy up the installed printers

b) the printer driver is already present in Windows
If the driver is already present (it may happen in the case of printers of the same type) the program asks whether to re-install it or not
Usually you do not need to re-install the driver, by default then press on “No” we recommend “Yes” only if you encounter problems using the printer.

c) The printer is already present in Windows
If the printer is already present, the program indicates whether to re-install it or not
Also in this case we recommend to re-install the printer only in case of problems, then default press on “No”

d) Additional confirmations
Depending on your Windows configuration, extra messages may appear asking if you really want to change the system:
answer “Yes” to all warnings to complete the installation.

Illustrated guide in PDF format available HERE (italian version)

If the version of the Windows system is not supported by the calculation service, you can install the printer manually
1) From the complete list search for the desired printer model,
then download /unzip the driver from the manufacturer’s website, selecting the one compatible with your operating system /language.

2) From Add Device -> Add Printer -> Add Network Printer
Click on “the desired printer is not in the list”
to insert where pNNN is the desired printer, eg p265
Then select “Disk Driver” and the driver directory of step 1
3) check the settings (eg duplex)

The installation works only with Administrator privileges, after installation the printer can also be used by an unprivileged user.

Remember that you can only print from wired network (LAN) and from “pd-wpa” wifi networks

How to install printers on macOS

On the recent OS X /macOS system the printers are seen directly as on linux, just be connected with the cable via LAN, the installation via wifi does not work.

>> Automatic printer installation
From the “System Preferences” panel, choose “Printers and Scanners”
Click on the “+” – &gt; “Add printer or scanner”
and then select the desired printer from the list.
After a few seconds, the printer driver appears in the “use” box, if “generic printer” appears, do not continue, you are probably using the wifi network or there is a problem on the mac

It recalls that the printers managed by the Calculation Service are listed in the list:
pXXX – Model – position

After installation, the printer can be used by the LAN and the “pd-wpa” wifi network.

If the automatic mode does not work:
download this file software for printers (access only from internal INFN network) and unzip it

Manual printer installation

– scripted installation
From the terminal, go to the folder extracted previously, and run the “” script with parameters:
– queue (see Complete list of printers )
– ppd / file.ppd (found in the ppd directory)
for example to install the p265e printer,

./ p265e ppd / p265e

If the printer is already installed the script asks whether to re-install it or not.
PS Depending on your OSX system configuration, the script may ask for the password of the user you are using.

– graphical installation
example for a generic pnnn printer:
Click on “System Preference” and then on “Print &amp; Scan” .
Then click on the “+” to add a printer.
click on “IP”
protocol: IPP
queue: / printers / pnnn
name: pnnn
where pnnn is the name of the printer (e.g. p170, p170nobanner, p265, etc.)
Click on the toolbox “Generic PostScript Printer” then from the menu that appears click on “Other” ,
then select the pnnn.ppd file in the previously extracted ppd directory,
Depending on the chosen printer, the options are offered to you, they are already set, so just click on “OK” .

Notes for the pl3mfp printer
Download the driver suitable for your macOS version from the manufacturer’s website link
then manually install the printer
to “Other”, choose “Canon MF9200 Series”

Notes for the pl4hp printer
Download the driver suitable for your macOS version from the manufacturer’s website link
then manually install the printer
to “Other”, choose “HP Color LaserJet CM1312 MFP”

Please note that you can only print from a wired network (LAN) and “pd-wpa” wifi networks

Printing Service for Guests

For guests who do not have an INFN account but want to print, they can follow the same instructions above, considering that they only work from ethernet network (cable) and not from the WIFI network (CAP)