Welcome to the ENUBET webpage Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging
Date | Conference | Title | Type | Speaker | Slides | Proceedings |
7-10/10/2024 | 13th Internationa Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation (NBI2024, Tokai – Japan) | Optimization of a short-baseline neutrino beamline at CERN | talk | M. Jebramcik | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
7-10/10/2024 | 13th Internationa Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation (NBI2024, Tokai – Japan) | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam: plans for its implementation at CERN | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
30/09-1/10/2024 | 2nd ECFA-INFN Early Career Researchers Meeting (LNF, Frascati) | The ENUBET experiment: a monitored neutrino beam | poster | G. Saibene | local copy (pdf) | |
16-21/09/2024 | The 25th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2024, Argonne) | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam and its implementation at CERN | talk | L. Halič | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
arXiv |
9-13/09/2024 | 110° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF2024, Bologna) | Beamtest characterization of the ENUBET Demonstrator | talk | G. Saibene | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
2-8/09/2024 | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop 2024 (NOW2024, Otranto) | ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment: plans at CERN | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
26/08-4/09/2024 | XIII International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2024, Crete) | Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN | talk | D. Guffanti | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
17-24/07/2024 | 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2024, Prague) | Final design of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam and its implementation at CERN | talk | A. Meregaglia | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
16-22/06/2024 | XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam and its implementation at CERN | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
16-22/06/2024 | XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) | The ENUBET Demonstrator: instrumented decay tunnel prototype for a monitored neutrino beam | poster | L. Halić | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
16-22/06/2024 | XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) | High precision neutrino cross section measurements with ENUBET: assessment of systematics in monitored neutrino beams | poster | F. Bramati | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
11-20/04/2024 | 14th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuInt2024, Sao Paulo) | A future nu cross section facility with NP06/ENUBET | talk | A. Loghin | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
3-5/04/2024 | Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE2024, Firenze) | Caratterizzazione su fascio del Dimostratore della collaborazione ENUBET | talk | G. Saibene | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
25-27/03/2024 | Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop (CERN) | Beam line designs for ENUBET/NuTag | talk | M. Jebramcik | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
25-27/03/2024 | Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop (CERN) | Monitored and tagged neutrino beam (ENUBET/NuTag) | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
15/12/2023 | Detector Seminar, CERN | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | seminar | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
11-13/12/2023 | 11th Symposium on Large TPCs for low-energy rare event detection (Paris) | The ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
23-27/10/2023 | XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Neutel2023, Venice) | Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN | talk | J. McElwee | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
11-13/10/2023 | 22nd International Workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN23, Procida) | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
25-29/09/2023 | 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23, Siena) | The Demonstrator: a large scale prototype of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | V. Mascagna | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
28/08-1/09/2023 | XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astoparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP2023, Vienna) | The ENUBET experiment for high precision neutrino cross section measurements | talk | A. Branca | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
20-26/08/2023 | 24th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2023, Seoul) | A monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements: the ENUBET experiment at CERN | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
20-25/08/2023 | EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg) | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam: moving towards the implementation of a high precision cross section experiment at CERN | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
10-23/07/2023 | 12th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2023 – Crete) | Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN | talk | J. McElwee | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
14-19/05/2023 | 34th Rencontres de Blois, Blois2023 | Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN | talk | A. Meregaglia | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
12-14/04/2023 | Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie, IFAE 2023 | L’esperimento ENUBET e la sua implementazione al CERN | talk | F. Bramati | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
IlNuovoComentoC, local pdf |
28/11/2022 | Seminar Lausanne, LPHE | A monitored neutrino beam at CERN: perspectives for high-precision neutrino cross-section measurements with ProtoDUNE | seminar | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
5-12/11/2022 | 2022 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE-NSI-MIC 2022 | The Demonstrator of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | A. Falcone | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
24-29/10/2022 | 13th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few GeV Regions, NuInt2022 | ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
17-19/10/2022 | INFN Workshop on Future Detectors, IFD2022 | The Demonstrator of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | rapidfire talk | F. Iacob | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
17/10/2022 | Seminar Orsay – IJCLab | The ENUBET experiment and its implementation at CERN | seminar | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
6/10 and 13/10/2022 | PS/SPS user meetings during the October Test Beam | ENUBET | talk | A. Longhin | week 1, week 2 |
12-16/09/2022 | 108° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, SIF2022 | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | E. Lutsenko | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
19-23/09/2022 | 12th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation, NBI2022 | ENUBET and NuSTORM heading to the experiment proposal | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
11-16/09/2022 | 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2022 | Monitored neutrino beams and the next generation of high precision cross section experiments | talk | A. Branca | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
4-11/09/2022 | Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, NOW2022 | Monitored neutrino beams: NP06/ENUBET | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
29/08-11/09/2022 | XI International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics | High precision neutrino cross section measurements with the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | V. Mascagna | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
29/08-2/09/2022 | 8th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, SSP2022 | ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements | poster | M. Torti | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
Web of Conference, local pdf |
31/07-6/08/2022 | 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, NuFACT 2022 | The design of the ENUBET beamline | talk | E. Parozzi | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
PhysicalScienceForums, local pdf |
31/07-6/08/2022 | 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, NuFACT 2022 | The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements | talk | C. Delogu | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
PhysicalScienceForums, local pdf |
17-23/07/2022 | 18th Rencontres du Vietnam | The NP06/ENUBET Project | talk | M. Pari | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
6-13/07/2022 | International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2022 | ENUBET: the first monitored neutrino beam | talk | A. Branca | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
4-8/07/2022 | 9th Conference on New Developments In Photodetection | Silicon Photomultipliers and light readout for the Demonstrator of the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel | poster | F. Iacob | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
29-30/06/2022 | IRN Neutrino (Annecy) | ENUBET: heading toward the experiment proposal | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
30/05-04/06/2022 | XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2022 (Seoul) | Towards a high precision neutrino cross section measurement: the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | poster | F. Bramati | conf. site (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
12-13/04/2022 | 145th Meeting of the SPSC | Status and plans of the ENUBET (NP06) Project | talk | A. Longhin | indico (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
CDS, local pdf |
24-28/01/2022 | ICFA Mini – Workshop on Slow Extraction 2021 | Characterising the slow extraction frequency response | talk | M. Pari | indico (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
2-3/12/2021 | Physics Beyond Colliders General Working Group Meeting |
ENUBET status | talk | F. Pupilli | indico (pdf), local copy (pdf) |
17-22/10/2021 | 32nd Rencontres de Blois |
The NP06/ENUBET project | talk | A. Branca | indico (pdf) | / |
20/10/2021 | CERN Physics Beyond Colliders: BSM working group |
ENUBET status | talk | A. Longhin | indico (pdf) | / |
28/09/2021 | Padova University DFA: settimana della didattica |
High precision neutrino physics with ENUBET | talk | A. Longhin | local copy (pdf) | / |
13-17/09/2021 | 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF 2021) |
The design of the beamline for the ENUBET experiment | talk | C. Delogu | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf),video presentation |
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11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
Summary of the ENUBET/nuSTORM workshop | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
6-11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
Fluxes and systematics reduction with decay monitoring | talk | A. Branca | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
6-11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
Development and optimization of the ENUBET beamline | talk | M. Pari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
6-11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
Detector R&D for the ENUBET instrumented decay region | talk | F. Iacob | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
6-11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
Lepton reconstruction in the ENUBET tagger and detectors for the high precision cross section program | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
6-11/09/2021 | The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari) |
The ENUBET project: a monitored neutrino beam | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
POS, local pdf |
5-9/09/2021 | 22nd Particle and Nuclei International Conference |
The NP06/ENUBET experiment: a monitored neutrino beam | poster | A. Branca | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
26/08-3/09/2021 | 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2021) |
ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for the precision era of neutrino physics | poster | F. Iacob | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
IOP, local pdf |
23/08-3/09/2021 | 10th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2021 – Crete) |
Updates on the design of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | M. Pari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
19-25/08/2021 | Twentieth Lomonosov Conference (Moscow) |
The NP06/ENUBET: towards a monitored neutrino beam | talk | M. Torti | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
MUPB, local pdf |
9/08/2021 | nuSTORM General Meeting |
ENUBET updates | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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26-30/07/2021 | EPS-HEP 2021 |
The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam: a progress report | poster | C. Brizzolari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
7-12/06/2021 | Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2021 (WIN2021) |
The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | poster | E. Parozzi | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
23-24/06/2021 | FIP Physics Centre: Meeting with experiments (within the PBC initiative) |
The physics of ENUBET | short talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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16-19/06/2021 | 38th Conference on Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (HSSHEP2021 – Greece) |
ENUBET and the CERN neutrino programme | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf),video presentation |
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10-11/06/2021 | International Research Network (IRN) Neutrino meeting (FR) |
A new generation of cross section experiments in the DUNE/HK era |
talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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2-4/06/2021 | Muon Collider Physics and Detector Workshop |
The Physics of ENUBET and Synergies with nuSTORM | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf),video presentation |
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31/05-4/06/2021 | Invisibles 2021 Workshop |
ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for the precision era of neutrino physics | poster | E. Lutsenko | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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24-28/05/2021 | International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP) |
Status of the NP06/ENUBET neutrino beam | poster | F. Iacob | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
/ |
24-28/05/2021 | 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC21) |
The ENUBET Multi-Momentum Beamline |
flash talk | E. Parozzi | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
19/04/2021 | SNOLAB virtual seminar series |
Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging | seminar | G. Brunetti | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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25/03/2021 | nuSTORM/ENUBET/iMC demonstator |
Status of NP06/ENUBET | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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15-18/03/2021 | New Directions in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (NuSTEC Workshop) |
Status of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | flash talk | M. Pari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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1-4/03/2021 | Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop |
ENUBET and synergies with NUSTORM | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
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18-26/02/2021 | XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes |
The ENUBET beamline | flash talk | C. Delogu | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf),video presentation |
ZENODO (just slides) |
18-26/02/2021 | XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes |
Status of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf),video presentation |
ZENODO (just slides) |
2-4/12/2020 | Snowmass NF09 Workshop |
ENUBET | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
/ |
23-24/11/2020 | Groupe De Recherche (GDR) Neutrino (FR) |
NP06/ENUBET Status | talk | A. Branca | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
/ |
31/10-7/11 /2020 | 2020 Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE-NSI-MIC 2020 (Boston, US) |
Development of instrumentation for tagged and monitored neutrino beams | talk | V. Mascagna | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
14-18/09/2020 | 106^o Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, SIF2020 (virtual, IT) |
ENUBET | talk | L. Meazza | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
28/07 – 06/08 /2020 | 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP2020 (Prague, CZ) |
NP06/ENUBET | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
4-11/09/2020 | 9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, ICNFP2020 (Crete, GR) |
The ENUBET experiment | talk | C. Delogu | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
World Scientific, local pdf |
22/06-02/07 /2020 | XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2020 (Chicago, US) |
Novel neutrino beams | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
22/06-02/07 /2020 | XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2020 (Chicago, US) |
ENUBET: a monitored narrow-band neutrino beam | poster | A. Branca | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) (video) |
10-15/05/2020 | 11th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC2020 (Caen, FR) |
ENUBET | talk | M. Pari, E. Parozzi | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
24-28/02/2020 | Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics, CNNP2020 (Cape Town, ZA) |
The ENUBET project | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf), (odp), video |
16-18/12/2019 | NuPhys2019: Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) |
ENUBET | poster | A. Branca | conf. site pdf (slides) poster local copy (pdf) |
16-18/12/2019 | NuPhys2019: Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) |
The ENUBET beamline | poster | C. Delogu | conf. site pdf (slides) |
22/10/2019 | One-day Workshop Beihang University – DFA. (Padova, IT) |
A new concept neutrino beam for precision physics: the ENUBET ERC project | talk | A. Longhin | local copy (pdf) | |
2-4/10/2019 | SiPM workshop: from fundamental research to industrial applications (Bari, IT) |
Silicon Photomultipliers for the decay tunnel instrumentation of the ENUBET neutrino beam | talk | M. Pozzato | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
14-17/10/2019 | 15th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD19). |
Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam | talk | V. Mascagna | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
23-27/09/2019 | 105° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, SIF2019 (L’Aquila, IT). |
The ENUBET project | talk | E. Lutsenko | local copy (pdf) | |
26-31/08/2019 | The 21st international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators, NUFACT 2019, (Daegu, SK) |
The ENUBET project | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
21-29/08/2019 | 8th International Conference on new frontiers in Physics | A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project | talk | M. Torti | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
06/08/2019 | 3 neutrinos and Beyond, 15th Rencontres du Vietnam (Quy Nhon, VN) | The ENUBET project | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf), (odp), |
22-24/07/2019 | ICFA Mini-Workshop on Slow Extraction 2019 | Controlling the Temporal Spill Structure | talk | M. Pari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
12/07/2019 | EPS-HEP 2019 (Ghent, BE) | A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
04/06/2019 | WIN 2019 (Bari, IT) | The ENUBET project | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf), (odp), |
28/05/2019 | WIN 2019 (Bari, IT) | Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam | poster | L. Pasqualini | conf. site pdf local copy (pdf) |
04/06/2019 | IPAC 2019 (Melbourne, AU) | Model and measurements of CERN-SPS slow extraction spill re-shaping – the burst mode slow extraction | poster | M. Pari, M. A. Fraser, B. Goddard, V. Kain, L. S. Stoel, F. M. Velotti | proceedings pre-release procs local copy (pdf) poster local copy (pdf) |
08/04/2019 | IFAE 2019 (Napoli, IT) | ENUBET | talk | C. Brizzolari | conf. site pdf, local copy (pdf) |
18-22/3/2019 | XVIII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Venice, IT) | The ENUBET project | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site talk, local copy (pdf) |
18-22/3/2019 | XVIII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Venice, IT) | Detectors for the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel | poster | M. Torti | conf. site poster. local copy (pdf). |
18-22/2/2019 | 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (Vienna, A) | Results of tests of ENUBET calorimeter prototypes | poster | E. Parozzi | conf. site poster , local copy (pdf) |
4/2/2019 | CERN-EN Seminar (CERN, Geneva, CH) | Technical challenges and physics opportunities of modern tagged neutrino beams | talk | F. Terranova | indico talk (pdf) | |
23/1/2019 | SPSC132, Discussion of Requests Submitted on the Call for Proposals for Projects at the CERN Neutrino Platform after LS2 (CERN, Geneva, CH) | The ENUBET project | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site talk, local copy (pdf), |
19-21/12/2018 | NuPhys 2018, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) | The ENUBET project | poster presentation | M. Tenti | conf. site poster talks (slides 1-2), poster local copy (pdf), (pptx), (odp). |
19-21/12/2018 | NuPhys 2018, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) | Design of the ENUBET beamline | poster presentation | G. Brunetti | conf. site poster talks (slides 3-5), poster local copy (pdf) |
3-14/12/2018 | SBF-APS Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science on Experimental Neutrino Physics (Campesinas, BR) | Light detection for neutrino physics (ENUBET and DUNE) | poster presentation | A. Falcone | poster local copy (pdf), | |
6/11/2018 | GDR neutrino (Strasbourg, FR) | The ENUBET project | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
24/10/2018 | European Neutrino Town meeting and ESPP 2019 discusion (CERN) | ENUBET | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
17/10/2018 | NUINT 2018 (L’Aquila, IT) | Status of ENUBET | talk | A. Longhin | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
17-21/9/2018 | SIF 2018 (Cosenza e Rende, IT) | ENUBET | talk | M. Torti | local pdf | |
9-16/9/2018 | NOW 2018 (Rosa Marina, Ostuni, IT) | The ENUBET neutrino beam | talk | F. Pupilli | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
12-18/8/2018 | NUFACT 2018 (Blacksburg, Virginia, US) | ENUBET | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
4-11/7/2018 | ICHEP 2018 (COEX, Seoul, ROK) | ENUBET | talk | F. Terranova | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
4-9/6/2018 | NEUTRINO2018 (Heidelberg, DE) | ENUBET | poster | G. Brunetti | conf. site poster (pdf), slides (pdf), |
27/5 – 2/6/2018 | PM2018 (La Biodola, IT) | ENUBET | poster | M. Pari | conf. site pdf (poster), and odp (slides), local (pdf) slides (odp) |
3-8/6/2018 | 30th Rencontres de Blois (Blois, FR) | ENUBET | talk | A. Meregaglia | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
21-25/05/2018 | CALOR 2018 (Eugene, US) | Shashlik calorimeters for the ENUBET tagged neutrino beam | talk | C. Brizzolari | conf. site pdf, local pdf |
06/04/2018 | IFAE 2018 (Milano, IT) | ENUBET | talk | G. Brunetti | conf. site pdf, local pdf, odp |
20-22/12/2017 | NuPhys (London, UK) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | poster | A. Coffani | local pdf, pptx |
arXiv:1804.03248 |
21-28/10/2017 | IEEE-NSS-MIC 2017 (Atlanta, US) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | poster | G. Collazuol | indico, local pdf, odp, pptx |
15-21/10/2017 | Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics CNNP2017 (Catania, IT) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | presentation | M. Pozzato | indico, local pdf | |
25-30/09/2017 | NuFact 2017 (Uppsala) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | pres. | F. Pupilli | indico, local pdf | |
11-15/09/2017 | SIF 2017 (Trento) | Il progetto ENUBET: misura di alta precisione del flusso di neutrini in fasci convenzionali | pres. | M. Pari | local pdf | |
11-15/09/2017 | SIF 2017 (Trento) | Una nuova tecnica di segmentazione longitudinale per calorimetri shashlik | pres. | C. Brizzolari | local pdf | |
06/07/2017 | EPS 2017 (Venice) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | pres. | F. Terranova | indico, local pdf | POS, local pdf |
03-07/07/2017 | NDIP 2017. New developments in photodetection. Tours (FR). | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | pres. | V. Mascagna | indico, local pdf, odp |
26/06/2017 | NuInt 2017 (Toronto) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | pres. | A. Longhin | indico, local pdf, odp, | |
21/04/2017 | IFAE 2017 (Trieste) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | poster | M. Pozzato | indico | |
16/03/2017 | Neutrino Telescopes 2017 (Venice) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | pres. | A. Longhin | indico | |
16/03/2017 | Neutrino Telescopes 2017 (Venice) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | poster | F. Pupilli | indico | POS, local pdf |
19/01/2017 | CERN ATS (Accelerator and Technology Sector) seminar. CERN, Geneva. | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET): opportunities and challenges | pres. | F. Terranova | indico | |
12/12/2016 | NuPhys 2016 (London, GB) | Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) | poster | F. Pupilli | ||
29/10/2016 | IEEE-NSS-MIC 2016 (Strasbourg, FR) | Longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters with SiPM readout | pres. | C. Brizzolari | local pdf | |
10/2016 | IPRD 2016 (Siena, IT) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Meregaglia | indico | procs |
26-30/09/2016 | SIF 2016 (Padova) | Longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters with SiPM readout | pres. | C. Brizzolari | local pdf | |
22/09/2016 | JENNIFER meeting (London, UK) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | indico | / |
09/09/2016 | NOW2016 (Otranto, IT) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | conf. website (pdf), local (pdf), local (odp). |
25/08/2016 | NuFact 2016 (Quy Nhon, VN) | ENUBET | pres. | F. Terranova | local (pdf), indico (pdf) | |
10/07/2016 | 7th Hyper-K open meeting (QMUL, London, UK) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | indico odp pptx |
/ |
04/07/2016 | Neutrino 2016 (London, UK) | ENUBET | post. | M. Pozzato | pdf v1 v2, |
/ |
08/06/2016 | ERC in Sezione: due casi di successo (Padova, IT) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | indico | / |
25/05/2016 | INFN-LNF Giornata Informativa Bandi H2020 (Frascati, IT) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | indico | / |
05/04/2016 | INFN CSN 2 (Rome, IT) | ENUBET | pres. | A. Longhin | indico | / |
ENUBET in the press
18 December 2020: ENUBET article on “Il Sole 24 Ore” pdf
ResearchItaly it (link)
News from INFN-LNL it (link)
INFN Focus newsletter pdf (en) pdf (it)
Interview from Frascati Scienza it (link)
Live interview at Radio24 on 2 Apr. 2016. “L’altra Europa” by F. Taddia. podcast (mp3) program en (pdf)
Notte dei Ricercatori 2019
Palazzo Bo’, Padova
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