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Welcome to the ENUBET webpage Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging



Date Conference Title Type Speaker Slides Proceedings
16-22/06/2024 XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam and its implementation at CERN talk G. Brunetti conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
16-22/06/2024 XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) The ENUBET Demonstrator: instrumented decay tunnel prototype for a monitored neutrino beam poster L. Halić conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
16-22/06/2024 XXXI International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino2024, Milano) High precision neutrino cross section measurements with ENUBET: assessment of systematics in monitored neutrino beams poster F. Bramati conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
11-20/04/2024 14th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuInt2024, Sao Paulo) A future nu cross section facility with NP06/ENUBET talk A. Loghin conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
3-5/04/2024 Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie (IFAE2024, Firenze) Caratterizzazione su fascio del Dimostratore della collaborazione ENUBET talk G. Saibene conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
25-27/03/2024 Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop (CERN) Beam line designs for ENUBET/NuTag talk M. Jebramcik conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
25-27/03/2024 Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop (CERN) Monitored and tagged neutrino beam (ENUBET/NuTag) talk F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
15/12/2023 Detector Seminar, CERN The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam seminar F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
11-13/12/2023 11th Symposium on Large TPCs for low-energy rare event detection (Paris) The ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment talk G. Brunetti conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
23-27/10/2023 XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Neutel2023, Venice) Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN talk J. McElwee conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
11-13/10/2023 22nd International Workshop on Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN23, Procida) The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements talk F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
25-29/09/2023 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23, Siena) The Demonstrator: a large scale prototype of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk V. Mascagna conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
28/08-1/09/2023 XVIII International Conference on Topics in Astoparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP2023, Vienna) The ENUBET experiment for high precision neutrino cross section measurements talk A. Branca conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
20-26/08/2023 24th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2023, Seoul) A monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements: the ENUBET experiment at CERN talk A. Longhin conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
20-25/08/2023 EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg) The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam: moving towards the implementation of a high precision cross section experiment at CERN talk F. Pupilli conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
10-23/07/2023 12th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2023 – Crete) Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN talk J. McElwee conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
14-19/05/2023 34th Rencontres de Blois, Blois2023 Towards the implementation of the ENUBET neutrino cross section experiment at CERN talk A. Meregaglia conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
12-14/04/2023 Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie, IFAE 2023 L’esperimento ENUBET e la sua implementazione al CERN talk F. Bramati conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
28/11/2022 Seminar Lausanne, LPHE A monitored neutrino beam at CERN: perspectives for high-precision neutrino cross-section measurements with ProtoDUNE seminar F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
5-12/11/2022 2022 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE-NSI-MIC 2022 The Demonstrator of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk A. Falcone conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
24-29/10/2022 13th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few GeV Regions, NuInt2022 ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements talk A. Longhin conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
17-19/10/2022 INFN Workshop on Future Detectors, IFD2022 The Demonstrator of the instrumented decay tunnel for the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam rapidfire talk F. Iacob conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
17/10/2022 Seminar Orsay – IJCLab The ENUBET experiment and its implementation at CERN seminar F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
6/10 and 13/10/2022 PS/SPS user meetings during the October Test Beam ENUBET talk A. Longhin week 1,
week 2
12-16/09/2022 108° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, SIF2022 The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk E. Lutsenko conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
19-23/09/2022 12th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation, NBI2022 ENUBET and NuSTORM heading to the experiment proposal talk F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
11-16/09/2022 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC2022 Monitored neutrino beams and the next generation of high precision cross section experiments talk A. Branca conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
4-11/09/2022 Neutrino Oscillation Workshop, NOW2022 Monitored neutrino beams: NP06/ENUBET talk F. Pupilli conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
29/08-11/09/2022 XI International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics High precision neutrino cross section measurements with the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk V. Mascagna conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
29/08-2/09/2022 8th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, SSP2022 ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements poster M. Torti conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
Web of Conference, local pdf
31/07-6/08/2022 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, NuFACT 2022 The design of the ENUBET beamline talk E. Parozzi conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
31/07-6/08/2022 23rd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators, NuFACT 2022 The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam for high precision cross section measurements talk C. Delogu conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
local pdf
17-23/07/2022 18th Rencontres du Vietnam The NP06/ENUBET Project talk M. Pari conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
6-13/07/2022 International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2022 ENUBET: the first monitored neutrino beam talk A. Branca conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
4-8/07/2022 9th Conference on New Developments In Photodetection Silicon Photomultipliers and light readout for the Demonstrator of the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel poster F. Iacob conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
29-30/06/2022 IRN Neutrino (Annecy) ENUBET: heading toward the experiment proposal talk F. Terranova conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
30/05-04/06/2022 XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2022 (Seoul) Towards a high precision neutrino cross section measurement: the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam poster F. Bramati conf. site (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
12-13/04/2022 145th Meeting of the SPSC Status and plans of the ENUBET (NP06) Project talk A. Longhin indico (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
CDS, local pdf
24-28/01/2022 ICFA Mini – Workshop on Slow Extraction 2021 Characterising the slow extraction frequency response talk M. Pari indico (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
2-3/12/2021 Physics Beyond Colliders General Working Group Meeting
ENUBET status talk F. Pupilli indico (pdf),
local copy (pdf)
17-22/10/2021 32nd Rencontres de Blois
The NP06/ENUBET project talk A. Branca indico (pdf) /
20/10/2021 CERN Physics Beyond Colliders: BSM working group
ENUBET status talk A. Longhin indico (pdf) /
28/09/2021 Padova University DFA: settimana della didattica
High precision neutrino physics with ENUBET talk A. Longhin local copy (pdf) /
13-17/09/2021 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF 2021)
The design of the beamline for the ENUBET experiment talk C. Delogu conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),video presentation
11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
Summary of the ENUBET/nuSTORM workshop talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
6-11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
Fluxes and systematics reduction with decay monitoring talk A. Branca conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
6-11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
Development and optimization of the ENUBET beamline talk M. Pari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
6-11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
Detector R&D for the ENUBET instrumented decay region talk F. Iacob conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
6-11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
Lepton reconstruction in the ENUBET tagger and detectors for the high precision cross section program talk F. Pupilli conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
6-11/09/2021 The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NUFACT2021 – Cagliari)
The ENUBET project: a monitored neutrino beam talk G. Brunetti conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
POS, local pdf
5-9/09/2021 22nd Particle and Nuclei International Conference
The NP06/ENUBET experiment: a monitored neutrino beam poster A. Branca conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
26/08-3/09/2021 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2021)
ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for the precision era of neutrino physics poster F. Iacob conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
IOP, local pdf
23/08-3/09/2021 10th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2021 – Crete)
Updates on the design of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk M. Pari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
19-25/08/2021 Twentieth Lomonosov Conference (Moscow)
The NP06/ENUBET: towards a monitored neutrino beam talk M. Torti conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
MUPB, local pdf
9/08/2021 nuSTORM General Meeting
ENUBET updates talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
26-30/07/2021 EPS-HEP 2021
The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam: a progress report poster C. Brizzolari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
7-12/06/2021 Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2021 (WIN2021)
The ENUBET monitored neutrino beam poster E. Parozzi conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
23-24/06/2021 FIP Physics Centre: Meeting with experiments (within the PBC initiative)
The physics of ENUBET short talk F. Pupilli conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
16-19/06/2021 38th Conference on Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (HSSHEP2021 – Greece)
ENUBET and the CERN neutrino programme talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),video presentation
10-11/06/2021 International Research Network (IRN) Neutrino meeting (FR)
A new generation of cross section
experiments in the DUNE/HK era
talk F. Pupilli conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
2-4/06/2021 Muon Collider Physics and Detector Workshop
The Physics of ENUBET and Synergies with nuSTORM talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),video presentation
31/05-4/06/2021 Invisibles 2021 Workshop
ENUBET: a monitored neutrino beam for the precision era of neutrino physics poster E. Lutsenko conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
24-28/05/2021 International Conference
on Technology and Instrumentation
in Particle Physics (TIPP)
Status of the NP06/ENUBET neutrino beam poster F. Iacob conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
24-28/05/2021 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC21)
Multi-Momentum Beamline
flash talk E. Parozzi conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
19/04/2021 SNOLAB virtual seminar series
Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging seminar G. Brunetti conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
25/03/2021 nuSTORM/ENUBET/iMC demonstator
Status of NP06/ENUBET talk F. Pupilli conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
15-18/03/2021 New Directions in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (NuSTEC Workshop)
Status of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam flash talk M. Pari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
1-4/03/2021 Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop
ENUBET and synergies with NUSTORM talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
18-26/02/2021 XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes
The ENUBET beamline flash talk C. Delogu conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),video presentation
ZENODO (just slides)
18-26/02/2021 XIX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes
Status of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),video presentation
ZENODO (just slides)
2-4/12/2020 Snowmass NF09 Workshop
ENUBET talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
23-24/11/2020 Groupe De Recherche (GDR) Neutrino (FR)
NP06/ENUBET Status talk A. Branca conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
31/10-7/11 /2020 2020 Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, IEEE-NSI-MIC 2020 (Boston, US)
Development of instrumentation for tagged and monitored neutrino beams talk V. Mascagna conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
14-18/09/2020 106^o Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, SIF2020 (virtual, IT)
ENUBET talk L. Meazza conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
28/07 – 06/08 /2020 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP2020 (Prague, CZ)
NP06/ENUBET talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
4-11/09/2020 9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, ICNFP2020 (Crete, GR)
The ENUBET experiment talk C. Delogu conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
World Scientific, local pdf
22/06-02/07 /2020 XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2020 (Chicago, US)
Novel neutrino beams talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
22/06-02/07 /2020 XXIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino2020 (Chicago, US)
ENUBET: a monitored narrow-band neutrino beam poster A. Branca conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
10-15/05/2020 11th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC2020 (Caen, FR)
ENUBET talk M. Pari, E. Parozzi conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
24-28/02/2020 Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics, CNNP2020 (Cape Town, ZA)
The ENUBET project talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),
NuPhys2019: Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK)
ENUBET poster A. Branca conf. site pdf (slides)
poster local copy (pdf)
NuPhys2019: Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK)
The ENUBET beamline poster C. Delogu conf. site pdf (slides)
One-day Workshop Beihang University – DFA. (Padova, IT)
A new concept neutrino beam for precision physics: the ENUBET ERC project talk A. Longhin local copy (pdf)
SiPM workshop: from fundamental research to industrial applications (Bari, IT)
Silicon Photomultipliers for the decay tunnel instrumentation of the ENUBET neutrino beam talk M. Pozzato conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
15th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD19).
Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam talk V. Mascagna conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
105° Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Fisica, SIF2019 (L’Aquila, IT).
The ENUBET project talk E. Lutsenko local copy (pdf)
The 21st international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators, NUFACT 2019, (Daegu, SK)
The ENUBET project talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
21-29/08/2019 8th International Conference on new frontiers in Physics A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project talk M. Torti conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
06/08/2019 3 neutrinos and Beyond, 15th Rencontres du Vietnam (Quy Nhon, VN) The ENUBET project talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),
22-24/07/2019 ICFA Mini-Workshop on Slow Extraction 2019 Controlling the Temporal Spill Structure talk M. Pari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
12/07/2019 EPS-HEP 2019 (Ghent, BE) A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project talk G. Brunetti conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
04/06/2019 WIN 2019 (Bari, IT) The ENUBET project talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf),
28/05/2019 WIN 2019 (Bari, IT) Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam poster L. Pasqualini conf. site pdf
local copy (pdf)
04/06/2019 IPAC 2019 (Melbourne, AU) Model and measurements of CERN-SPS slow extraction spill re-shaping – the burst mode slow extraction poster M. Pari, M. A. Fraser, B. Goddard, V. Kain, L. S. Stoel, F. M. Velotti proceedings pre-release
procs local copy (pdf)
poster local copy (pdf)
08/04/2019 IFAE 2019 (Napoli, IT) ENUBET talk C. Brizzolari conf. site pdf,
local copy (pdf)
18-22/3/2019 XVIII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Venice, IT) The ENUBET project talk F. Pupilli conf. site talk,
local copy (pdf)
18-22/3/2019 XVIII International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes (Venice, IT) Detectors for the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel poster M. Torti conf. site poster.
local copy (pdf).
18-22/2/2019 15th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (Vienna, A) Results of tests of ENUBET calorimeter prototypes poster E. Parozzi conf. site poster ,
local copy (pdf)
4/2/2019 CERN-EN Seminar (CERN, Geneva, CH) Technical challenges and physics opportunities of modern tagged neutrino beams talk F. Terranova indico talk (pdf)
23/1/2019 SPSC132, Discussion of Requests Submitted on the Call for Proposals for Projects at the CERN Neutrino Platform after LS2 (CERN, Geneva, CH) The ENUBET project talk A. Longhin conf. site talk,
local copy (pdf),
19-21/12/2018 NuPhys 2018, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) The ENUBET project poster presentation M. Tenti conf. site poster talks (slides 1-2),
poster local copy (pdf),
19-21/12/2018 NuPhys 2018, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (London, UK) Design of the ENUBET beamline poster presentation G. Brunetti conf. site poster talks (slides 3-5),
poster local copy (pdf)
3-14/12/2018 SBF-APS Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science on Experimental Neutrino Physics (Campesinas, BR) Light detection for neutrino physics (ENUBET and DUNE) poster presentation A. Falcone poster local copy (pdf),
6/11/2018 GDR neutrino (Strasbourg, FR) The ENUBET project talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local pdf
24/10/2018 European Neutrino Town meeting and ESPP 2019 discusion (CERN) ENUBET talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local pdf
17/10/2018 NUINT 2018 (L’Aquila, IT) Status of ENUBET talk A. Longhin conf. site pdf,
local pdf
17-21/9/2018 SIF 2018 (Cosenza e Rende, IT) ENUBET talk M. Torti local pdf
9-16/9/2018 NOW 2018 (Rosa Marina, Ostuni, IT) The ENUBET neutrino beam talk F. Pupilli conf. site pdf,
local pdf
12-18/8/2018 NUFACT 2018 (Blacksburg, Virginia, US) ENUBET talk G. Brunetti conf. site pdf,
local pdf
4-11/7/2018 ICHEP 2018 (COEX, Seoul, ROK) ENUBET talk F. Terranova conf. site pdf,
local pdf
4-9/6/2018 NEUTRINO2018 (Heidelberg, DE) ENUBET poster G. Brunetti conf. site poster (pdf),
slides (pdf),
27/5 – 2/6/2018 PM2018 (La Biodola, IT) ENUBET poster M. Pari conf. site pdf (poster),
and odp (slides),
local (pdf)
slides (odp)
3-8/6/2018 30th Rencontres de Blois (Blois, FR) ENUBET talk A. Meregaglia conf. site pdf,
local pdf
21-25/05/2018 CALOR 2018 (Eugene, US) Shashlik calorimeters for the ENUBET tagged neutrino beam talk C. Brizzolari conf. site pdf,
local pdf
06/04/2018 IFAE 2018 (Milano, IT) ENUBET talk G. Brunetti conf. site pdf,
local pdf,
20-22/12/2017 NuPhys (London, UK) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) poster A. Coffani local pdf,
21-28/10/2017 IEEE-NSS-MIC 2017 (Atlanta, US) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) poster G. Collazuol indico, local pdf,
15-21/10/2017 Conference on Neutrino and Nuclear Physics CNNP2017 (Catania, IT) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) presentation M. Pozzato indico, local pdf
25-30/09/2017 NuFact 2017 (Uppsala) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) pres. F. Pupilli indico, local pdf
11-15/09/2017 SIF 2017 (Trento) Il progetto ENUBET: misura di alta precisione del flusso di neutrini in fasci convenzionali pres. M. Pari local pdf
11-15/09/2017 SIF 2017 (Trento) Una nuova tecnica di segmentazione longitudinale per calorimetri shashlik pres. C. Brizzolari local pdf
06/07/2017 EPS 2017 (Venice) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) pres. F. Terranova indico, local pdf POS, local pdf
03-07/07/2017 NDIP 2017. New developments in photodetection. Tours (FR). Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) pres. V. Mascagna indico, local pdf,
26/06/2017 NuInt 2017 (Toronto) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) pres. A. Longhin indico, local pdf, odp,
21/04/2017 IFAE 2017 (Trieste) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) poster M. Pozzato indico
16/03/2017 Neutrino Telescopes 2017 (Venice) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) pres. A. Longhin indico
16/03/2017 Neutrino Telescopes 2017 (Venice) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) poster F. Pupilli indico POS, local pdf
19/01/2017 CERN ATS (Accelerator and Technology Sector) seminar. CERN, Geneva. Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET): opportunities and challenges pres. F. Terranova indico
12/12/2016 NuPhys 2016 (London, GB) Enhanced neutrino beams from kaon tagging (ENUBET) poster F. Pupilli pdf
29/10/2016 IEEE-NSS-MIC 2016 (Strasbourg, FR) Longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters with SiPM readout pres. C. Brizzolari local pdf
10/2016 IPRD 2016 (Siena, IT) ENUBET pres. A. Meregaglia indico procs
26-30/09/2016 SIF 2016 (Padova) Longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters with SiPM readout pres. C. Brizzolari local pdf
22/09/2016 JENNIFER meeting (London, UK) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin indico /
09/09/2016 NOW2016 (Otranto, IT) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin conf. website (pdf),
local (pdf),
local (odp).
25/08/2016 NuFact 2016 (Quy Nhon, VN) ENUBET pres. F. Terranova local (pdf), indico (pdf)
10/07/2016 7th Hyper-K open meeting (QMUL, London, UK) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin indico
04/07/2016 Neutrino 2016 (London, UK) ENUBET post. M. Pozzato pdf v1
08/06/2016 ERC in Sezione: due casi di successo (Padova, IT) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin indico /
25/05/2016 INFN-LNF Giornata Informativa Bandi H2020 (Frascati, IT) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin indico /
05/04/2016 INFN CSN 2 (Rome, IT) ENUBET pres. A. Longhin indico /

ENUBET in the press

18 December 2020: ENUBET article on “Il Sole 24 Ore” pdf
ResearchItaly it (link)
News from INFN-LNL it (link)
INFN Focus newsletter pdf (en) pdf (it)
Interview from Frascati Scienza it (link)
Live interview at Radio24 on 2 Apr. 2016. “L’altra Europa” by F. Taddia. podcast (mp3) program en (pdf)

Notte dei Ricercatori 2019




Palazzo Bo’, Padova


  • LibreOffice slides 1
  • pdf (static)
  • LibreOffice slides 2 (animations)


Notte dei Ricercatori 2018




Palazzo Bo’, Padova



Notte dei Ricercatori 2017




Palazzo Bo’, Padova



Outreach initiatives
