Welcome to the ENUBET webpage Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging
- [SEpari21] M. Pari et al., Characterization of the slow extraction frequency response,
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 083501
- [MT] M. Torti et al., A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project,
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 35 (2020) 34n35, 2044017. Contribution to ICNFP 2019. - [MP] M. Pozzato et al., Silicon Photomultipliers for the decay tunnel instrumentation of the ENUBET neutrino beam,
Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 983 (2020) 164482, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2020.164482, HAL, CERN document server. - M. Terranova et al., The ENUBET experiment,
PoS ICHEP2020 (2021) 182. Contribution to: ICHEP 2020. - [LATRO] F. Acerbi et al., The ENUBET positron tagger prototype: construction and testbeam performance,
JINST 15 (2020) 08, P08001 e-Print 2005.07269 - [NUPHYS19] C. Delogu et al., The hadronic beamline of the ENUBET neutrino beam,
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Contribution to: NuPhys2019. e-Print: 2004.03196 [physics.acc-ph]. - [IPRD19] V. Mascagna et al., Decay tunnel instrumentation for the ENUBET neutrino beam,
JINST 15 (2020) 05, C05059. Contribution to: IPRD19. e-Print: 2004.02532 [physics.ins-det]. - [NUFACT19] F. Terranova et al., Status of the ENUBET project,
PoS NuFact2019 (2020) 121. Contribution to: Nufact19, 121. - [IFAE19] C. Brizzolari et al., Monitored beams for high-precision neutrino flux determination: The ENUBET project,
Nuovo Cim.C 43 (2020) 2-3, 56. Contribution to: IFAE 2019. - [EPS19] G. Brunetti et al., The ENUBET Project. A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam,
proceedings of the EPS 2019 conference. PoS EPS-HEP2019 (2020) 387. - [VCI19] E. Parozzi et al., The ENUBET ERC project for an instrumented decay tunnel for future neutrino beams,
proceedings of the VCI 2019 conference.
- [NEUTEL19A] F. Pupilli et al., The ENUBET neutrino beam,
https://zenodo.org/record/2712637, talk at the 2019 Neutrino Telescopes Conference. - [IPAC19] M. Pari et al., Model and measurements of CERN-SPS slow extraction spill re-shaping – the burst mode slow extraction,
proceedings of the IPAC 2019 conference. - [NEUTEL19B] M. Torti et al., Detectors for the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel,
http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3333525, poster at the 2019 Neutrino Telescopes Conference. - [ICHEP18] F. Terranova et al., The ENUBET neutrino beam,
POS SISSA, PoS ICHEP2018 (2019) 239
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arxiv 1903.11416 - [NUPHYS18B] G. Brunetti et al., The ENUBET beamline,
arxiv 1903.09044 - [IRR] F. Acerbi et al., Irradiation and performance of RGB-HD SiliconPhotomultipliers for calorimetric applications,
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- [SIFNC] M. Pari, A monitored beam for precise neutrino flux determination: the ENUBET project,
Il Nuovo Cimento C. Year 2008. Issue 3, May-June. DOI:10.1393/ncc/i2018-18110-0 - [CNNP] G. Ballerini et al., Status of the ENUBET project,
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Proceedings of CNNP2017, M. Pozzato - [NUPHYS] A. Coffani et al., A narrow band neutrino beam with high precision flux measurements,
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. Proceedings of the NUPHYS2017 conference. - [JINST] G. Ballerini et al., Testbeam performance of a shashlik calorimeter with fine-grained longitudinal segmentation,
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- [NUFACT] F. Pupilli et al., ENUBET: High Precision Neutrino Flux Measurements in Conventional Neutrino Beams,
POS SISSA Procs. NuFact2017 - [NEUTEL2] F. Pupilli et al., Positron identification in the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel,
POS SISSA Procs. NEUTEL2017 (poster) - [NEUTEL1] A. Longhin et al., High precision measurements of neutrino fluxes with ENUBET,
POS SISSA Procs. NEUTEL2017 (talk) - [IEEE] A. Berra et al., Shashlik Calorimeters With Embedded SiPMs for Longitudinal Segmentation,
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 64 (2017) no.4, 1056-1061
- [JINST] A. Meregaglia et al., ENUBET: Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging,
JINST 11 (2016) no.12, C12040 - [SCEN] A. Berra et al., Longitudinally segmented shashlik calorimeters with SiPM readout: The SCENTT experiment,
DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069860. Proceedings of the Strasbourg 2016 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTDS conference.